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10 Steps How You Can Increase Number Of Visitors At Your Exhibition Stand

  1. Sign up for the exhibition in time. Make sure you have enough time to prepare.
  2. Send invitations to your clients, consider including free entry passes
  3. Choose a reason for your clients to visit your exhibition stand and let your visitors know (new products, events, gifts, snacks…)
  4. Advertise your attendance in media
  5. Publish PR articles about the exhibition and you attendance
  6. Prepare competitions, autograph shows or other events
  7. Prepare technical events (lectures, presentations) and schedule it
  8. Organise a business dinner for your clients
  9. Try to impress, create an experience, work with emotions
  10. Communicate with media before and during the exhibition, make positive impact and present your achievements 

SATA service spol. s r.o.

Černyševského 26,
851 01 Bratislava

+421 904 993 919


Sme zakladajúcim členom Asociácie slovenských výstavníckych spoločností
