Does it make sense for me to attend an exhibition?
This is a common question asked by many companies.
If you are deciding about attending an exhibition continue reading. We offer you 7 tips to help attract attention of visitors to your exhibition stand and present your products to a broad audience.
Follow at least some of these rules and you will see the difference.
1. Right Person, Right Place, Right Time
It is essential to pick the correct employee to represent your company. Human factor is crucial for events like this. Choose a person with social and presentation skills.
2. Participate On Official Events
Prepare an event or presentation for the official programme of the exhibition, if possible. You will be able to present to a larger audience compared to your stand. Your competition will envy you and your credibility will increase.
3. Communicate
An exhibition is a social event. Events like this are based on communication. Talk to people as much as possible. This does not mean you should hunt them down or annoy every passer by.
If someone shows at least some interest in you, feel free to talk to them and provide all the information. Be friendly.
4. Grab Attention
To increase the number of interactions create “an attention grabber” that will pull the visitors toward your stand like a magnet. It should be something that will interest everyone, not only your customers.
Consider a headline in your favorite magazine. They tend to be emotional. Use this approach too.
5. Sufficient Amount Of Marketing Materials
If you listen to our previous advice you will have a lot of visitors. Make sure to stock up on marketing materials.
People tend to forget. Even if you grab their attention they might not remember you the next day.
Small flyer or a business card can go a long way.
6. Help First - Sell Later
Did you know that most deals are closed on 5th or 6th interaction with a person or brand? Do not try to push your deal. People do not need exhibitions to buy, they can do it anywhere else.
Exhibitions provide an excellent possibility of personal contact and laid back environment.
Demonstrate how you can solve their problems and build trust. Trust brings deals and recommendations.
7. Don’t Push Too Hard
Some exhibitions are about selling, some about presenting. However each one is a social event where people want to get new information.
Give them what they need and include your goals as well but with care. Trying too hard can hurt you. If people feel comfortable with you they will return.
As you see you don’t need to be a marketing guru to improve your company presentation and reach your goals. Even small change can make a big difference and push you forward.
We wish you a lot of success and don’t forget to share your experience with our advice or your own tips.
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851 01 Bratislava